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How to Sell out a Blind Cafe = Helping People Feel Connected!

As Marketing Director it is your job to make sure ALL of the tasks below are done, manage marketing volunteers and to pay attention to what's working and not working so we can 80/20 our efforts. Your job is to learn all these marketing strategies so you can delegate most of them to volunteers allowing room for you to innovate new ways to spread the magic! ;)

Areas of Management

Build Marketing Volunteer Team

Contact Press / News Media, Blogs & Send Press Releases for Articles and Interviews and Radio shows

Launch Social Media Marketing

Establish Marketing Partnerships

Schedule and send out Mailing List Blasts

Design Posters, Club Flyers & Electronic Flyers & Launch

Create People Power Plan & Market To Key Networks

Create Marketing Timeline

Update Website Sales Page & Brown Paper Tickets Sales Page


Volunteers to Hand Out Flyers at Farm in exchange for Tickets