gtag('config', 'AW-16524866739');

Launch Facebook:

  • Create FB Event Page, Invite all city area relevant friends & make admins for key marketing volunteers to help work their networks.
  • Create 5 - 10 posts and schedule them on Blind Cafe FB Page for weeks leading up to the event.

  • Find Related Groups, Join them and post about the event.
  • Create Facebook Ads ( if budget allows )

  • Contact RSVP'd & Maybe'd Friends from Facebook event page and connect with them to encourage their attendance.

  • Contact Blind Cafe key peeps / friends / volunteers and give them links to post on their facebook pages and get them to RSVP and Invite all their friends to the fb Event Page

Launch MeetUp:

  • Contact 12 people a day on by cutting and pasting COPY AD below to invite people to check out the blind cafe event.
  • Contact meetup organizers encouraging them to hold a meet up at our event for their meetup group.

Launch YELP Ticket Give Away Campaign

  • Contact Community Organizer of YELP in your area and ask them to do a ticket give away on their cities yelp and a second one to their elite group.