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The Blind Cafe has RAVING FANS!

See what the press, the bloggers and guests are saying...


" after a while of eating and conversing with our table mates, two of the blind waiters shared their stories and then opened the floor for questions and answers. " " one of them answered that his favorite thing about being blind is that he is constantly forced to face the unknown. he literally doesn’t know what is in front of him but he keeps moving forward anyway that made me tear up. how powerful. how positive. how freeing it is to shed tears without judgement. " Read More...


"We were in complete and utter darkness. Surprisingly, this didn’t freak me out at all, even though I knew I had an hour and a half to sit like this without sight. I was ready to experience fully what the night had to offer with nothing but an open mind and an acceptance of my recent disorientation." Read more...

7x7 SF Article - Dine in Darkness at the SF Blind Cafe

"There is something about engaging in organic conversation with a room full of strangers who can’t see each other that instills a sense of community among the group. It feels as if you're waking up from a dream that you somehow shared with everyone around you."                        

                                                                            - Hayley Besecker | 7x7 SF

NPR Live Program - LISTEN to The Blind Cafe in the dark!

"The music is calming. You can feel the cello strings vibrate through your body. The room is vibrating with the dozens of voices singing in unison, in the dark, singing about light."


ZAGOT - The Blind Cafe Is Out of Sight

On Thursday night about 150 people gathered in the idyllic backyard of Vuka, a coworking and community space, Blind waiters and waitresses in formal wear led lines of diners, each with their right hand on the right shoulder of the person in front of them, into a completely black room and to their tables for an evening of food, music and blind awareness. Read More...

GASTRONOMIQUE ENVOGUE Magazine - SF Blind Cafe Experience

On a crisp, beautiful autumn evening in October, we embarked on a rare and extraordinary dining experience called The Blind Café, a pop-up at The Center SF in the stylish Lower Haight district of San Francisco.  I arranged a double “blind” date with our friends Dale and Tamara who shared our enthusiasm over this event. Read More...

THE OREGONIAN - Portland Blind Cafe's dinner in utter darkness offers perspective on world without sight

The Blind Cafe experience is all about making peace with disorientation. Diners are led by one of the waiters through a darkened tunnel into the event space, where they are seated at one of 13 long tables. The diners then touch tabletops, locating paper plates, plastic utensils and water glasses, before feeling around for serving bowls filled with food to be served family style. Read More...

FROM THE CANYON EDGE - Austin Blind Cafe Experience

We were led through two ante-chambers of darkness by our blind guide, toward our seats in a banquet room, completely and absolutely devoid of all light!  You could open your eyes as wide as you could, and strain as hard as you wanted, but you would see absolutely nothing :-)  It took quite a while to get used to it, even after the immediate nervousness subsided. Read More...