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What's on the menu? 

There are three components to The Blind Cafe Experience: 

Dinner in the Dark!

What's on the menu? A vegan & gluten-free special mystery Valentine's dinner. We offer a dark chocolate social reception before going into the dark. In the dark, you will break bread with strangers and good friends alike, share inspiring stories and meaningful conversation, and experience live music… all experienced 100% in the dark!

The Social Impact Discussion in the Dark!

In our award-winning, positive social change community awareness discussion, you will participate in a group discussion/Q & A between the audience and our legally blind, amazing, heart-felt, Blind Ambassadors. They will share their personal stories with you and you will have the chance to learn,  ask questions, and discuss their personal experiences of blindness. All of this in the dark with the entire room present and listening.

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The Music Listening Experience

Ever wonder what it like to experience a live music performance in complete pitch darkness? Blind Cafe Music Productions brings an emotionally powerful music listening experience.  These unique and intimate performances bridge the gap between the artist and their audience as they're empowered to participate in an active music listening experience, in the complete and total pitch dark! Learn what it was like to experience live music without the distraction of your visual conditioning, social etiquette and cells phones.

Since 2010, Rosh & The Blind Cafe Orchestra has specialized in performing in the complete and total darkness at Blind Cafe events across the USA. Rosh, an American songwriter, born in Boston, MA, dreamed up the idea of creating positive social change experiences in the dark, intended to help people 'see' their world from a new perspective.

In 2010, the first Blind Cafe event was launched with the formation of The Blind Cafe Orchestra, an evolving and rotating group of musicians accompanying Rosh's original songwriter music. The Blind Cafe Orchestra consists of piano, electric bass, female vocals, and more!

We love our sponsors!

We are proud to call CommuniTea Kombucha a Seattle sponsor of The Blind Cafe Experience!


Very simple, very real!

This is a very special kombucha ~ nothing added, nothing taken away! No added fruit juices or sugar, and the naturally occurring alcohol remains. Cultured from organic green tea, it brightens the spirit… and pairs well with meals in the dark!

You must be 21+ to consume this kombucha.


K’UL® Chocolate is working towards providing support for 24 certified organic women’s cooperatives throughout the equatorial belt.

These direct-trade partnerships have increased their communities economic prosperity by being able to provide the world market with organic cocoa products. These groups have built strong relationships with local growers to further strengthen their community. Together these two programs have created a direct, positive impact on over 25,000 people.