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What's on the menu? 

There are three components to The Blind Cafe Experience: 

A sensory tasting dinner  in the dark!

What's on the menu? A healthy vegan & gluten-free special sensory tasting dinner prepared by a local Chef as well as with dark chocolate, good friends, inspiring stories, live music and meaningful conversation all experienced 100% in the dark! We source local ingredients, as much as possible, from local farms designing the menu based on the season and the availability of donations from the community.

A social impact discussion in the dark!

In our award winning, positive social change community awareness discussion, you will participate in a group discussion/Q & A between the audience and our legally blind, amazing, heart-felt, blindness ambassadors. They will share their personal stories with you and you will have the chance to learn,  ask questions, and discuss their personal experiences of blindness. All this in the dark with the entire room all paying attention.