gtag('config', 'AW-16524866739');

How to Create An 8 Week Time-line for Marketing Tasks to Best Manage and Execute Plan

  1. Create an 8 week timeline using the template below.
  2. Identify ALL marketing tasks needed to done and schedule them.
  3. Write 'who' is suppose to do them ( your marketing volunteers ? )
  4. Keep track and check them off as you go to see your progress and to track your volunteers progress.


Example of Marketing Time-Line

Now till Week 8

Ready Event To Launch Marketing 

Confirm shows time & date (ROSH)
Update Website / Sales Page (ROSH)
Create BPT Event (ROSH)
Create People power list ( ROSH )
Gmail Account 
Brainstorm List 
Facebook Friends 
help with FB Invites 
Reach out to past volunteers for marketing help
          Create a to do package checklist for marketing volunteer
                    Ask all volunteers to tap into their social network
                    Create fb template post for staff to "share" our posts

Announce Event 

Send out 1st Mailing List Blast Announcing the show
          create new & cheap system to send out
Design Club Flyer, Order & Send to Event Planner both digital / physical (ROSH)
Create Facebook Event Page in Rosh's Account + Invite Friends (Gianna)
Create capital for Initial Expenses 

Week 8

Social Media (weekly)
          Facebook Event Page in Rosh's Account + Invite Friends
          Launch Twitter 3x
          Blast 12 persons a day 3 times a week in account
          Create FB Posts ( 5 - 15 / schedule out consistent content weeks b4 show)
Research Media outlets
Submit entry to online calendar (& research new)
Log all processes in Manual 

Week 7 

Social Media (weekly)
          Facebook Event Page in Rosh's Account + Invite Friends 
          Blast 12 persons a day 3 times a week in account
          Create FB Posts ( 5 - 15 / schedule out consistent content weeks b4 show)
Submit entry to online calendar (continued) 
Negotiate Social Partnerships (Reach out to Gilt City and 
Log all processes in Manual (weekly)

Week 6

Reach out to People power list
Social Media (weekly)
          Facebook Event Page in Rosh's Account + Invite Friends 
          Blast 12 persons a day 3 times a week in account
          Create FB Posts ( 5 - 15 / schedule out consistent content weeks b4 show)
Reach out to top blogs - 5 per week
Submit entry to online calendar ( continued ) 
Log all processes in Manual (weekly)

Week 5 

Reach out to People power list
Social Media (weekly)
          Facebook Event Page in Rosh's Account + Invite Friends 
          Blast 12 persons a day 3 times a week in account
          Create FB Posts ( 5 - 15 / schedule out consistent content weeks b4 show)
Reach out to top blogs - 5 per week
Submit entry to online calendar ( continued ) 
Log all processes in Manual 

Week 4 

Send out Blast #2 to Mailing List (local and national)
Social Media (weekly)
          Facebook Event Page in Rosh's Account + Invite Friends 
          Blast 12 persons a day 3 times a week in account
          Create FB Posts ( 5 - 15 / schedule out consistent content weeks b4 show)
Review/update Website
Send press release to Media List
Research blogs - ask when the best time is to send out press - 5 per week
Submit entry to online calendar ( continued ) 
Log all processes in Manual 

Week 3

Social Media (weekly)
          Facebook Event Page in Rosh's Account + Invite Friends 
          Reach out to Accpeted guest and send check out video
          Blast 12 persons a day 3 times a week in account
          Create FB Posts ( 5 - 15 / schedule out consistent content weeks b4 show)
Send press release to Media List - send 5 press releases
Reach out to top blogs - 5 per week
Submit entry to online calendar
Log all processes in Manual 

Week 2 

Social Media (weekly)
          Facebook Event Page in Rosh's Account + Invite Friends
          Review FB Ad / Make adjustments
          Reach out to 'Maybe' RSVP'd Guests on FB Event Page
          Reach out to Accpeted guest and send check out video
          Blast 12 persons a day 3 times a week in account
          Create FB Posts ( 5 - 15 / schedule out consistent content weeks b4 show)
Send press release to Media List - send 5 press releases
Check in on Press Release Media Contacts 
Reach out to top blogs - 5 per week
Log all processes in Manual 
Send Out Mailing List Blast #3

Week 1

Social Media (weekly)
          Facebook Event Page in Rosh's Account + Invite Friends
          Review FB Ad / Make adjustments
          Reach out to 'Maybe' RSVP'd Guests on FB Event Page
          Reach out to Accpeted guest and send check out video
          Blast 12 persons a day 3 times a week in account
          Create FB Posts ( 5 - 15 / schedule out consistent content weeks b4 show)

Reach out to top blogs - 5 per week
Log all processes in Manual 

Week After Show

Generate Thank you email / facebook/ twitter
Send thank you note (gentle Follow up with blogs)
Send Thank you to staff and volunteers and venue (short and sweet)
Log all processes and new ideas in Manual
          Keep time log for each task.