Coming Soon
The Boulder Blind Cafe Experience
August 18 - 20, 2023 @ The Dairy Arts Center
Music & Social Impact Dinner In The Dark Experience
w/ Rosh & The Blind Cafe Orchestra
An award-winning positive social impact discussion, sensory tasting dinner, and live music experience held entirely in 100% darkness.
“There is something about engaging in organic conversation in a room full of strangers who can’t see each that instills a sense of community along the group. At the end, a candle is lit and it feels as if your waking up from a collective dream, that you somehow shared with everyone around you.”
@ The Boulder Blind Cafe Experience
Your Experience includes:
A Music in the Dark Experience…to open your heart & actually listen to music again. | A Social Impact Discussion in the Dark between you the audience, the performing artists and our Lead Blind Ambassadors…to expand how you see yourself and others. | A Sensory Tasting Dinner In the Dark Experience…designed to delight your senses that will challenge you to literally bread bread socially…in community without the distraction of your visual conditioning, social etiquette & without your cell phone. | All held in 100% darkness, no blindfolds!